Yorkshire Ambulance Service has been involved in ambulance research since 2008.

Since that time we have been part of a number of nationally and internationally important research studies which have contributed to changes in clinical practice. We have utilised partnership working, with other NHS ambulance services, NHS trusts and universities to build our capacity and capabilities to take part in high quality research.

We are proud of our arrangements with local organisations that allow us to co-develop our expertise and who support our ambition to grow research for the benefit of patients in our care.

We have continued to deliver important research whilst also developing our staff to be able to lead and direct research that is meaningful for our unique context.

With recruitment into a number of key research leadership posts at the Trust, we launched the YAS Research Institute in October 2023, specifically to support the growth of the culture of research in the organisation and our portfolio of research projects.  

We are always open to new collaborations that support the organisation to innovatively deliver high quality care, and the YAS research Institute can be contacted at yas.research@nhs.net